Emptying the nest

But what about the nose pickers?

As an empty-nester, not yet a grandparent, I'm enjoying not having to be faced with tough decisions about kids going back to school or not.  I don't envy those who are going through it.  But, that doesn't prevent me from wondering what I would be thinking and considering as we get closer to the start… Continue reading But what about the nose pickers?

Adventures · Emptying the nest

Spring into disinformation, or not

On March 19, 2020, Spring arrived, 7 days after the shutdown of our state of Wisconsin occurred.  One week of shutdown seemed easy to handle.  Heck with frequent arrival of snow in March in Wisconsin, why not just stay home? It seemed silly to be the only one out and about anyhow. Three days before… Continue reading Spring into disinformation, or not


One love, together again

On the right hand lower corner of my bookshelf in my home office sits a framed photo. The frame was a gift from my oldest daughter.  The photo is one of my favorite photos for a couple of reasons - it's a picture of all of us together in one of our happiest of places… Continue reading One love, together again

Adventures · Cheers

Tossing summer memories around

Without the need to toss my super short hair up in a bun, I was off to the races as I became supermom during summer months when our kids were growing up. I can't neglect to mention I was also with a handsome superman who took daring rides at every entertainment park we ventured off… Continue reading Tossing summer memories around

Adventures · Emptying the nest

How to embrace the foggy moments in an empty nest

This week brought about a new milestone for me in our empty nest.  When I cleaned our own home instead of a rental unit, I got all melancholy.  I pondered all my foggy thoughts from the week. The ones that made me almost weep as I searched for the right angle, or perspective to take.… Continue reading How to embrace the foggy moments in an empty nest

Adventures · Emptying the nest

What’s all the buzz happening in my life this week?

What's all the buzz happening here in my neck of the woods this week?  The forecast isn't sunny.  We need the rain, though, so that's good.  And it makes it easy to work inside on our projects. What else?  Well, folks, let me tell you first off that what's happening here is not national news. … Continue reading What’s all the buzz happening in my life this week?