Emptying the nest

The Human Behind Their Stuff

Behind every pile of stuff (or whatever you may call it) is a human wondering WTH? Why do I have this in the first place? What am I doing with all this stuff? Whenever I rationalize that I really don't need whatever piece of stuff it is, I struggle with what steps to follow next.… Continue reading The Human Behind Their Stuff

Emptying the nest

Who is your interior decorator?

Are you over 50 and feeling like you’re not sure why your house looks like you never really discovered a “look”?  You’re not alone.  We have let our life become our interior decorator. This month, I've been taking a serious look at our home.  From the distance, looking in. I'm surprised at how much I… Continue reading Who is your interior decorator?

Adventures · Emptying the nest · Welcome

But…they’re so cute, I can make something with them

Ah, every person who has ever crafted something in their lives is brave.  Brave enough to utter these infamous words of wisdom. "But, I can make something with them (it).  Don't throw them (it) away." What?  That's not you...you don't say that?  Is it only us turkeys that gather together in rafters to sing the… Continue reading But…they’re so cute, I can make something with them