
Trying to ground my thoughts

Early in the morning, at this time of the year, the fog rolls in across the ground.  I adore watching the fog.  It doesn't last too long, maybe just a half hour or so.  I used to love to watch it when the neighbor's storage shed wasn't there.  It was a pretty scene to admire.… Continue reading Trying to ground my thoughts

Adventures · Inspiration

How to stand out in a blogging crowd

Hi there!  Today, it's your turn to pick my little ol' blog out of a crowd of a bazillion others in the blogosphere.  You peeked around the corner and took a chance to stop by and see what I'm up to.  (Upper left-hand corner of the world). Thank you, dears - I'm so thrilled you… Continue reading How to stand out in a blogging crowd


This spring rocks my world

As I looked out at the yard yesterday, I just knew it was about time to walk off the stir crazies of being in the house for the long winter. Copper, our poor little pup, is tired of this space in the back yard. Even if it has grown considerably in a couple of weeks,… Continue reading This spring rocks my world

Adventures · Inspiration

A mail-tale before I hightail it outta here

I don't often start out this way on my posts, but today...well, today is different.  Today the topic of SoCS (aka Stream of Consciousness Saturday) is strange to me.  Sorry, Linda, but it's true. I sure can tell Linda's a creative gal to come up with this hot topic for the day: “the last piece… Continue reading A mail-tale before I hightail it outta here


How deer confirm Springs’ arrivals

Another sign of Spring has arrived here in our parts of Wisconsin.  Not only has our ground thawed considerably, but the deer are also starting to move freely and easily through the fields once again. Last night, after a glorious grilled meal, (Pork and Mango Kabobs with a side of fresh pineapple) - we discovered that… Continue reading How deer confirm Springs’ arrivals

Adventures · Welcome

Glory of the morning

Pinch me, am I dreaming?  Nope, news flash folks, the temperature upon rising today is 37 degrees. That's unheard of in the 200th winter of 2017/2018. But is April, and it is spring, so that's a good temperature to wake up to.  It's not like last winter, just 4 days ago... This time of… Continue reading Glory of the morning