Adventures · Cheers

As the tradition of tinsel eating commences

Ah, the holiday season is upon us.  Full of opportunities to eat and satisfy our cravings.  I keep getting glimpses of a view of the world where I used to walk outside on the road to burn off extra Tostitos calories.  Which, by the way, have recently been complemented with cherry pie before bed. It's… Continue reading As the tradition of tinsel eating commences


Pet Hugs from Our Pets

Many pet owners are blessed with cuddly pets, aka, pets who enjoy hugs.  Our family, well, let’s just say, not so much.  Our dog is the exception.  He adores me and sitting in my lap for hugs.  Our cats...they only like a hug when it involves waking us hoomans from our slumber for their feeding… Continue reading Pet Hugs from Our Pets

Adventures · Cheers

When things heat up a jump into the bath is in order

"How hot was it here yesterday?" you ask.  So hot even the birds were panting. And fighting over space on the bird bath. And then one noticed me as he took off - They all took off, and a Blue Bird stopped by briefly. Off the bluebird flew.  He stayed long enough for me to… Continue reading When things heat up a jump into the bath is in order


Why a cat shouldn’t eat like a bird

Don't get me wrong, birds have rights, yes, they do. But, why is it they get a tower full of nectar, replenished readily, and I have to be the one to wait for hoomans to deliver food to my bowl? Birds have food at the ready, come rain, or come shine. Why? It just doesn't… Continue reading Why a cat shouldn’t eat like a bird


A naughty cat’s vista

When the hoomans are busy doing whatever it is that they do besides feed me, I find my way to inspect their feeding spot and to make it my own little vista.'s a lovely view, really it is. It's a perfect spot to watch the tiny birds flying around and eating.  Man, oh, man,… Continue reading A naughty cat’s vista

Adventures · Inspiration

May 1st the day when Mrs. goes MAD

Ah, the joy of a rainy May morning.  A perfect opportunity to stay in bed, roll over, cover your head with a pillow to avoid the noise, and sleep in late. Not an effing chance with this hungry cat in the house.  She's mad. She's cute when she's calm, but that intense look of "WTH(F)… Continue reading May 1st the day when Mrs. goes MAD