
A Blossoming Tickled In Pink Kind of Week

I call this past week a tickled-in-pink moments kind of week. My heart is full of joy thinking back to the week that was delicately webbed together. Moment # 1: I could see a way to connect all of the blog writing prompts I wanted to join in on today. See the bottom of the… Continue reading A Blossoming Tickled In Pink Kind of Week


A Personal Blogger Bursting With Thoughts

The irony of being a personal blogger is it's a shame to have enough to say to make a post-worthy post while having too many photos to share so that you can't condense a post into a reasonable size. So what do I do? 9 Boxes of clothing were donated this week! I iron out… Continue reading A Personal Blogger Bursting With Thoughts


A peek at my garden is a pick-me-up kind of thing

This summer has been extra hot and dry in Wisconsin. It's been kind of a bummer for outside activities. As I looked down at our yard from the window above, I admired the extra dry grass sprinkled with the hearty weeds. And I noticed a bunch of crows on our birdbath. The heat and dry… Continue reading A peek at my garden is a pick-me-up kind of thing