Adventures · Cheers

The wild side of breaking free from lockdown

Want to get a burger and fries for lunch instead of our healthy meals?  We've been so good and haven't cheated since January.  Well before the lockdown occurred. Really? You mean, like take out from Sand Bar?  Or eating there? Take out.  I'll go in and out in a flash so I won't be exposed… Continue reading The wild side of breaking free from lockdown


A Sunday Road Trip to Bucknuckles

When you marry into a family who loves to drive on country roads, a road trip to any exotic (or eclectic) place happens when the Corvettes are revving to hit the road. My companion, Mr., a guy with a gorgeous smile, and some miles of roads to conquer.  We were happy to hit the road.… Continue reading A Sunday Road Trip to Bucknuckles

Adventures · Cheers · Emptying the nest

First month of empty nest – Success

With the onset of settling into an empty nest, I find the ability to keep track of time is more difficult.  Each day blends into the next because there isn't the need to schedule around what the kids have going on or when they'll be here to visit. Today is the last day of June… Continue reading First month of empty nest – Success