Adventures · Inspiration

How to add a radiant factor to your blog

As I stood at the crossroads of deciding to bite the bullet and set up a blog - or not - I wondered if every blogger has struggled too?  Or was it a sparkling success they've dreamed of when they finally got going? Or did they find it best to follow how someone else's blogging pad… Continue reading How to add a radiant factor to your blog

Adventures · Inspiration

A reflective memoir from a personal blogger

As a personal blogger, there are moments when I think to myself, what the heck am I doing trying to be a blogger? Yesterday, I got an email from Bluehost to remind me how many days I have left to renew my website's domain name.  I chose to use Bluehost to host my own website… Continue reading A reflective memoir from a personal blogger

Adventures · Inspiration

Personal Blogging – The Ups and Downs

As a personal blogger, it feels like every day I'm swooping in and out of feeling the highs and lows of a being a writer.  It can feel awesome the days when I connect with others, receive comments and likes, and then there are the other days.  The days I feel incredible loss when I… Continue reading Personal Blogging – The Ups and Downs

Adventures · Inspiration

Okay, well, that was easy!

As a blogger, when things don't go my way, and the blogging platform I'm using seems to be doing its own thing, aka, not minding my 'but all I did was tried to run the update' clicks - it is a great feeling to finally have everything running all 'okay' again. The Happiness Engineer did… Continue reading Okay, well, that was easy!


Monday Morning Mad as…

If you want to make friends in the morning, you should be nice. I know that, but I'm mad today.   Sigh... And, I seriously have my second guessing doubts about using the Gutenberg Editor.  I didn't hear rave reviews from my fellow blogger friends.  And sharing photos isn't as fun as this editor that I'm… Continue reading Monday Morning Mad as…