
6 blogging lessons I’ve learned

When you woke up this morning were you thinking about a decision you made 6 years ago? Some decisions make a HUGE impact, whereas other decisions make only tiny differences in our lives.  And you know what, contrary to what we’re told to believe, it is okay to embrace small changes/choices we make in our… Continue reading 6 blogging lessons I’ve learned

Adventures · Inspiration

The sunrise of my 540th post

Do you wake up every morning, bright, full of energy, and ready to tackle the day?  Do you sing while the sun rises? Or are you shy, like me, and whisper because you can't carry a tune, and you hum instead? Sing it with me..."Good morning, sunrise, how are you?"  (not the right words, but… Continue reading The sunrise of my 540th post

Adventures · Inspiration

How Three Wise Men helped rescue me from Self-Pity

This week 3 wise men cut to the chase and made me realize how quickly I jump to self-pity mode.  I feel compelled to publicly thank them for their generosity of bringing me back to reality. Wise man #1 is the Mr.  While we were taking our road trip journey to visit my dad on… Continue reading How Three Wise Men helped rescue me from Self-Pity

Adventures · Inspiration

Don’t be a blog monitor, be a blog ninja

Today, we're going to talk about why you should avoid becoming a Blog Monitor. Trust me, you do NOT want to be one. Be a blog ninja instead. Stay in hiding for a bit, get the hang of things, and then when you're ready, pop out and you'll shine as a blogger. Trust me, I've… Continue reading Don’t be a blog monitor, be a blog ninja