Adventures · Emptying the nest

Ewe… the grossest weekend project crossed off of my to-do list

As if we don't have enough unfinished projects in our own house, I'm finding that the garage isn't much better. We, humans, left things to tend to later, and there are also things that the mice left behind for us to tend to eventually. I discovered their crafty work, lurking in dark spaces.  I even… Continue reading Ewe… the grossest weekend project crossed off of my to-do list


How to leave the day on a wise note

How could I have wasted the longest day of the year by being tired?  The first day of summer has come and gone.  And I went to bed at 7 pm. Say, what?!  Shocking, I know. I should be ashamed. Just zip your lips... And hear me out... All I've got to show for the… Continue reading How to leave the day on a wise note

Adventures · Inspiration

A love letter from the birds

A love note from one Robin's nest to those smarter birds who've delayed the trip north... Dear fellow feathered friends, It's me, Bobbie and Bill.  Hope this note finds you.  I'm sending it special carrier since the mail service in these parts hasn't been reliable.  Rumor has it mail got lost in the big storm… Continue reading A love letter from the birds

Adventures · Inspiration

Just because

If the old farmer's saying is true, and, "It takes just 3 snows on a Robins' tale then spring will arrive," then why do Robins hide when it snows?" Shouldn't they stick around and let the snow fall on their tails?  The sooner they let it happen the better.  That way we can get this… Continue reading Just because

Adventures · Cheers

The birds are singing here

They're here!  They're here!  The House Finches are back and are busy building their nests.  And the males of their houses are singing their mating calls.  Oh, and the Bluebirds are back, too. It's the little things in life that make me smile. I heard him singing, but couldn't see him while I was standing… Continue reading The birds are singing here

Adventures · Inspiration

How to be okay with crappy first drafts

When you sit down to write, do the words just fly onto the page?  Where do you find your inspiration to write every day?  Who wins the battle, the page, or your walk-away until tomorrow stage? Or do you persevere and take the simplest act in routines of your day, pause to notice the extraordinary, and… Continue reading How to be okay with crappy first drafts