Cheers · Emptying the nest

I kid you not, my dear

I grew up as a baby of the baby boomers (...born in 1964, turning 55 this year - so there, you're welcome for me doing the math for you...).  My parents were the typical, Midwestern, blue-collar working kind of folk that joined the ranks of others who conceived babies for the boom. And they kicked… Continue reading I kid you not, my dear

Adventures · Inspiration

Ah…to be a kid again!

Fireworks and the Fourth of July go hand in hand with kids of all ages.  If only we could be kids forever, right? We'd pose to see our reflections in the pond.  Wondering if there really are monsters or tadpoles at the bottom? We'd anticipate getting our brand new clothes wet.  It's fun to be… Continue reading Ah…to be a kid again!