
Mish-Mashing My Way to the Beach

Since my last post, I've had a mish-mash of thoughts about life. And fear. And faith. And beaches. And cauliflower mash. I really do like that stuff. Don't knock it until you try it. But yesterday, it wasn't enjoyable at first. When we discovered a container Mr. purchased with a punctured hole in the top,… Continue reading Mish-Mashing My Way to the Beach

Adventures · Emptying the nest · Going Gray

Suck it up – it’s a snow job, just return the bikini

So many empty nest realizations of life this week, they just kept piling up like the snow did.  One right after the other.  Piled up thigh high. #1 - We had the tax preparer call us to say, "Take the standard deductions now, no children with the school expenses to deduct.  You're not even close… Continue reading Suck it up – it’s a snow job, just return the bikini