Going Gray · Welcome

A Birthday Interview with a Baby of the Baby-Boomers

With optimism, here's a slightly different type of post from the perspective of a formerly high-risk for viruses baby boomer who lived to be 56 today!  I recently (just 10 minutes ago, while pouring my first cup of coffee) interviewed myself on my birthday (aka, today).  I hadn't even been up 15 minutes and my… Continue reading A Birthday Interview with a Baby of the Baby-Boomers

Adventures · Emptying the nest

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes during the pandemic

Surprise empty-nesting folks, this post is going to knock your socks off.  It's Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes above any other posts that I've shared with you about me. You already know I'm a sucker for capturing surprises in nature photography.  Just this morning I was focusing my camera to get a photo of a… Continue reading Head, shoulders, knees, and toes during the pandemic