
Temporary habits

If I sit back in reflection of how much of my daily routine consists of temporary moments, I confess it is more often than I pay attention to.

From the instant I get up, to the minute I lay down to rest at night, I experience points in time that aren’t permanent.  Yet they orchestrate how I spend my day – triggered by my habits no doubt.

Such strange creatures, us humans are, aren’t we?

Something as simple as an interim interruption of a meal is pause for celebration.

My hunger (or hangry mood) triggers me to briefly stop mid-day.  I know that if I don’t address my hunger, I can’t think straight.  I become unproductive.  I’m pretty sure my boss wouldn’t like that.

So I grab something to eat, hopefully, nutritious to give me the boost needed to overcome the pains rumbling in my tummy.


I read a magazine, with words composed and created by people who had temporary assignments.  They have written articles or created ads designed specifically for readers to gaze upon momentarily and ponder how that thing or place to visit might fit into our lives or the upcoming holidays.

The issue itself, once read, is discarded as though it never existed.  In fact, I never ordered it, so who knows if it will come again?  Silly them, they must have thought they’d be able to tempt me into subscribing.

But, reading something like a magazine, gives me time to let my mind wander as my short-term hunger pains dissipate.  When I’ve read something not related to work at all, I realize there’s more to life than working.  Just look at those famous people, awesome resorts to visit, and wines to taste brought to me right here in the US.  Score!


When I recover from my lapse in brain power, aka, from the fantasy world, I realize it is time to get back to work.  And, how important it is to focus my time when I’m working, so that paycheck arrives and I can buy wine from France that looks so perfect for the holidays?  That label…oh, my, it is don’t you think?!

What…??  Just a temporary grasp at finding something slightly quirky to end this post.

DailyPostPhotoChallenge – Temporary