Adventures · Welcome

Mystery of sorts – a dog’s job

Me:  "I'm continually amazed at the potty patterns of Copper when he does his job, they are such a mystery." My husband:  "Really, you're taking pictures of him?  I'm going to grab the camera next time you're going to the bathroom and take pictures of you.  See if you like it." You - You're not… Continue reading Mystery of sorts – a dog’s job

Adventures · Welcome

Glow – Fall Sunsets in rural Wisconsin

If you've read some of my past posts, you know I adore sunrises and sunsets.  Taking photos during the golden hours is the best time for me (or anyone who is interested in great photo opportunities). I love to romp around the yard, play with my camera and catch some great shots.  Even during the… Continue reading Glow – Fall Sunsets in rural Wisconsin