Adventures · Inspiration

A Tuesday Tweet about Current Reads

Last year, I read a book about Twitter. I loved the book, it was very interesting.  I remember feeling a strong desire to run from social media, or at least from the sucking power that SM has on consuming our/my time. As a result of reading it, I never joined Twitter.  I wrote about my… Continue reading A Tuesday Tweet about Current Reads

Adventures · Emptying the nest

The well-traveled road to an empty nest library

The moment I became a mom, I discovered I must've forgotten to ask a lot of important questions in life up to that point.  I hadn't traveled that road before, and I was scared as hell thinking I'd fail. I was determined not to fail at the adventure of being a housewife and a mother. … Continue reading The well-traveled road to an empty nest library


Rural Wisconsin – Trees, trains, and stories in-between

There is something about a quiet car ride that brings about storytelling mode.  When I drive by myself, I miss having someone to chat with, and I see many things I wish I had my camera along to take pictures of. So, when Mr. is driving, of course, both the Chatty Cathy and the speed… Continue reading Rural Wisconsin – Trees, trains, and stories in-between

Adventures · Inspiration

How I accomplished my reading goals

Holy crap...I gotta tell ya folks, it's an amazing feeling to accomplish a goal.  I'm talking about meeting a goal that was set months earlier and Shazam!, all of a sudden the goal is reached. Before I planned it to happen. It was one of a 1st of the year kinda goals. Yeah, I did… Continue reading How I accomplished my reading goals


Why do we love our toys?

As adults do we ever outgrow our love of toys?  Some of us adults tend to treasure how much joy our toys brought us in our youth so we hang on to them - or we collect them to make it more legit to hang on and consume spaces and shelves in our homes.  The… Continue reading Why do we love our toys?

Adventures · Inspiration

How I roll – reading 3 books at one time

I can't go into a bookstore, browse, and leave without buying a book.  I've tried, but it happens every single time.  I've tried not touching the books and just walk around admiring the spines. I've tried carrying around a cup of coffee so my hands are too busy to pick them up.  I've tried reminding myself… Continue reading How I roll – reading 3 books at one time