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Journal – a simple little treasure you create for yourself

I have this adorable little journal.  My two daughters made it for me for my birthday a few years ago.  I love the pictures and the quotes they put in it to get me started writing a journal.

Writing a journal is a private thing to me.  Something one does in solitude.

I consider blogging a form of writing a journal.  Writing something to put out there for others to read every day takes devotion.

There are days when you feel like the words are so far off.  Finding words seems so difficult.  Finding an idea to write about seems fuzzy at best.

IMG_5959cOther days you might feel like what is the point?  You’re the only one writing, why do it?

IMG_5960cThen you think of something that comes into focus and you find words to describe what you’re feeling.  You write it down and feel better.

IMG_5961cThen your cup of coffee is gone.  You look at what you’ve written and realized to yourself that you have created a simple little treasure.  Your own little treasure.  It doesn’t have to be perfect for anyone – including yourself.  Go back and read whatever it is you wrote.  Enjoy the moments you’ve captured.  That’s why you journal – for yourself.

IMG_5965cEverydayAdventures2017 – Journal