Adventures · Welcome

A walk in vibrant colors

I find it hard to imagine a place more vibrant than a flower garden.  I adore flowers, especially vibrant colored flowers.  Summertime flower beds are gorgeous with zinnias, black-eyed Susan’s, marigolds, morning glories, hollyhocks, daisies, you name ’em, I admire all of ’em.

Check out these zinnias from the bouquet I received as a gift yesterday!  I love fresh-cut flowers, ahh…pinch me, I must be in flower heaven!


Next on my vibrant colors list are sunrises.  I know they say “red in the morning, take warning” or something like that?  But, colorful sunrises are beautiful, just like this morning’s view.


Copper likes to admire sunrises too.


My garden is very minimal, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to grow a few here and there.  This tiger Lilly seems to pop up every year.


These two marigolds somehow survived through the other plants in the pot…or maybe they are weeds, I haven’t decided yet.


I keep a watchful eye out for opportunities to spy flowers on roadsides or in gardens as I pass by.  Morning glories can apparently grow anywhere the seeds land. Most people have lovely vines and blossoms of morning glories at this time of year.  Mine, well, let’s just say they are struggling a bit.  But…they are still blooming and happy to show off their vibrant colors in the morning!


I’m so glad EverydayAdventures2017 had the Vibrant colors as an assignment.


I’m a happy camper when I get to put on my vibrant colored garden boots, grab my camera, and set out to capture the beauty of buds and blossoms.  Yep, these colorful boots were made for walking about in clovers and grass and flower beds…oh, my!
