
9 steps to save money on Valentine’s Day

“It’s easy to net zero the cost of Valentine’s Day when you’ve been married for decades.”  

Step 1:  Find a notepad that came to you free from the American Heart Association’s ‘give us $ mailer’.  They always have some kind of heart on it.

Step 2:  Brew fresh coffee.

Step 3:  Find a free pen that you picked up at an office somewhere.

Step 4:  Write an affectionate note to your hubby (who’s still sleeping, knowing you forgot to get a card and need time to write a note; there’s no need to lecture you, the guilt will rise soon enough).

Step 5:  Place note strategically nearby the coffee-maker – the surprise factor might be missed if you put it on the other counter.

Step 6:  Grab a cup of coffee and wait for hugs, kisses, and a thank you for the classy note you left.

Step 7:  Feel guilty about not getting a real card when you open the one you got (sniffle, say “Aw,” and head in for the thank you hugs & kisses – make mental note to think about buying, or making a nice card next year!).

Step 8:  Hug, kiss, and thank your husband for being the world’s best boss of card giving!

Step 9:  Refill your World’s Best Boss coffee cup while you do the math (on the backside of the notepad if you need to, it’s pretty simple math though): the card cost $6.99, plus gas, plus tax – your free $10.00 estimation note.  Net ZERO cost for the day!


One-Liner Wednesday

How do you save money on Valentine’s Day?  

15 thoughts on “9 steps to save money on Valentine’s Day

    1. Great point…I’d assume that the Hubbies have a wife that gives them cards, so they should do the same thing I did ;-)!

  1. I like your personal note. My hubby forgets to get cards, plus, he’s so so non-commercial. I’d much rather he check off a honey do item or take me to the movies. Maybe this weekend!

  2. Love it! I hand make cards for my husband and children, usually. I did for the kids this time with some stickers from, yes, mailers that I recently got in the mail with return address labels and some heart stickers=). I did not have enough time to make or buy a card for my husband, so I went back through the stacks of cards I’ve saved, made by myself and my daughter throughout the years, and gave him some of those to look through. It was kind of like card shopping, but more special. ~Anne

    1. Thank you! I love using those stickers, too!! Recycling cards is a great idea, just like shopping, very clever!! One year we even went to the store, picked out a card, gave it to each other in the aisle, then put the card back. It was a special moment ;-)!

  3. Being single, Valentine’s Day doesn’t cost me a dime. 😉
    Then again, I spent some money at the local bakery for Fat Tuesday as a treat at work. I can get behind that holiday!

  4. ok, I feel better knowing that we’re not the only ones who don’t spend lots of money for Valentine’s. I got a text message and then I redeemed my husband’s miles for a Pandora heart bracelet. a very romantic Valentine’s day!

    1. LOL – that’s awesome, being able to pick out the perfect gift, no stress, and you’re both happy! Thank you for sharing!

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